Welcome to ThisIsPico.com. I'm glad you
stopped by. Please take some time to explore my site. Some folks
have asked why this site is here. Being self taught, it's just really
here to prove to myself and others that I can do it. So do yourself a favor
and check out some of the links on the left side of the page and below.
Hopefully, you will find something that you like. If not, tell me
what you want and I will try to make it happen.
suggestions to this is pico @ gmail.com (take out the spaces).
Streaming Music
I don't know about you, but I just can't
live without some good jammin' tunes. I listen to Metal mostly
but I enjoy most all types of music. Jazz, funk, classic rock,
alternative, and classical are all okay in my book. I even run my own radio!
You can check out the links in this section to listen, view the
stream status, see what is in the play list, make a request, and
see the last songs that have been played.
About Me
Wow! You really want to know about me? I'm impressed.
Here's my gig.
I got married to the most wonderful
woman in the world on May 20, 2012.
As you can see I'm a web weasel! I enjoy learning
about all the neat stuff that is out there on the interweb.
I have a brother who has four children.
There's also Mom and Dad.
What are my hobbies? I enjoy computers (duh!).
I love hockey! I'm five foot two so I don't play but I enjoy watching.
The Rangers are my favorite team. I also like football (Steelers)
and Formula One.
That's about it. I'm a simple guy!
It doesn't
take much to make me happy. Just good people.
Oh yeah, there's always my motorcycle too!
This is what I ride.